Dear PicList: I am DIY'ing a multiple input access control reader able to decode Temic E5530 transponder samples. I need a checksum algorithm to verify valid reads. I can decode all of the number and find a(seemingly) random No in the checksum location (relative to other known data). Temic won't admit to any valid checksum on the part other than on their *.PDF sheet and their official position is that it is unavailable unless I am using 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 parts per year !(no chicken, no egg) They ARE however quite happy for me to use the "NEW AND IMPROVED BELLS AND WISTLES" E5550K-PP version. Does anyone know of a checksum algorithm for the samples? (E6 header) Else: does anyone know why Temics samples don't fully match the spec sheet? I'm seriously considering customising PIC12C508 into transponders+ else does anyone know of a serialised transponder manufacturer/distributor able to deal with "start up" quantities ? ps I am using PIC16C715s on this as my 71s and then 711s got toooo fuul of I2C, ASYNC serial and other comms (including the much mentioned Dallas iButton 1 wire(with CRC)) pps does any manufacturer want to conquer the Access Control Reader market? Thanx in advance all pic[OT] recievers, Graham Daniel.