I've seen two answers to dennis's question so far and generally I would agree. Your first answer mentioned 16f84 self reprogramming problems which I will remember. Here is my opinion for what it is worth: If you realy need high volume AND are trying hard to reduce cost AND you want to use a NON brownout protected PIC (they do come with brownout protection now) AND your application is not a super critical one then: 1) Do try to have the reset pin perform a usefull function for your program; most ram will still carry your operating parameters (except prog cntr) after an MCLR. 2) Do periodically REinitialise TMRO, baud rate, I/O direction etc as much as possible like a genuine POR reset. 3) Do enable the watchdog timer. 4) Do check your code to be assured that no sub loops may become un-exit-able if ram contents become corrupted. 5) Do use some of your extra memory to insert "goto *" (here goto here) loops in between code modules; this will trigger the WDT if the PIC PCL incs blindly past the real code jumps. 6) Don't use CLRWDT instructions too freely. Hope this helps, Graham Daniel:end Dennis Plunkett wrote: > > At 07:09 AM 29/04/98 -0400, you wrote: > >Piclisters! > >I am currently using DS1233 econo-resets that hold the MCLR line low for > >approx. 15ms, just after power-up. My PIC application is automotive. I > >have a very clean 5v regulator supply. Slow power-up is not a problem. > > > >My question is: Is this uP supervisor necessary w/ the PIC (16c76, 16c63, > >and 16F84) ???? > > > >Cya- > > 6500 > > 7000 > >Dave Celsnak ___7500 > > / / 8000 (Shift!) > > /-/ > > / / RPM > > / / > > / / > > > > > > Slow power up may not be your problem in automotive, but brown out is. The > GM spec puts the 12V supply down to 4Volts under cranking condtions. If the > support cicruits connected to the PIC have the same supply rating, then > there is not a problem. I do think that a reset chip should be used, as > there are other considerations such as the location of the target device in > the auto and what other things are active (On the same loom) > > Dennis