>The resistance sounds right but the capacitance is an order of magnitude >out. Watch crystals are usually around the 10-12pF load capacitance. The >extra will be attenuating it enough that you would expect it to start >slowly, although with that amount, you should be happy that it starts at >all. >Drop your capacitors to around 20pF. That's exactly what the problem was. The MICROCHIP spec sheet for the 16C63 (Pic16f8x pg39) says that they tested the oscillator on 68pF-100pF (LP mode for 32kHz) in their capacitor selection (table 8-2). I guess that must be a mistake?? I had a 10pF and a 12pF laying around to test this on and my project starts up very quickly now. Thank you very much Steve. anthony.tekatch@sympatico.ca