Hi all, first, please excuse my off-topic mail, but this is the my last chance... I read the following mail in a mailing list archive of this mail: Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 19:35:05 -0700 From: "A.Perkins" Subject: Re: [PICLIST] Sensing RC receiver impulses & PWM motor control: You wrote this to the list, >I have built a small RX-FM receiver with synthetized frenquency for RC- model. >This receiver use RF and PLL MOTOROLA chip, for RF part and a PIC16C57 with >a small EEPROM to decode the RC signal. This circuit run in 2 meters gl ider >since 2 months - no crash !!! - >If you are interested in PIC code, schematic and PCB, I will be happy t o post >you the whole document. >I 'm now developping a TX-FM synthetized tranceiver with LCD panel and a >8031. > > Pat Coutu at "c82032476@ACS.SAULTC.ON.CA" That's exactly the project I've been searching for a long time. Problem: Non of the original mail authors and repliers are still reachable at their email addresses from November '95 !! Anybody on the list remembering this probject ? It would be VERY fine if you could mail me at least the schematic ! many thanx (and excuses to the rest...) Axel --- aschlueter@netcologne.de