I have sent this question to a list of friends and acquaintances and decided to venture sending it to all PICLISTERs - I could of course drop it into the "space" type forums and may do so in modified form in due course but what I am more interested in at this stage is how a cross section technical but necessarily "space mad" people would react. Ignore this if you have no interest in it. I can't see how to fit a PIC into this directly :-) but hope you will excuse off topic nature! First a little background and then a question: Consider it as an academic exercise - a simple yes or no is all that is wanted. If you want to have your say please email me directly (apptech@clear.net.nz) - PLEASE DON'T REPLY DIRECT TO THE PICLIST. If you want to know the results say so and I'll email them to you when all are in. The reasons for each persons yes or no don't need to be given - although they would be interesting to hear if you want to give them. I have been surprised at the nature of the response that I have had so far. Background: If 10% of the world's population gave $25 each a year for 10 years to a project this would amount to about $100 billion. Interest on this would substantially increase this sum. Obviously there are many worthy projects that could be nominated as targets for this money. However, regardless of the possible "worthy" targets, imagine that it was put towards funding a manned expedition to Mars. This amount of money, plus other money which such a project would attract once it got rolling, would be enough to ensure a manned Martian presence, probably within 10 years. Clearly the administration of such a project would need to be above reproach and question. No skimming off the top, no ludicrous salaries and commissions, no $20,000 toilet seat etc as per space shuttle. An independent organisation would be required, probably combining technical resources from existing space organisations from eg USA (NASA), Europe (ESA), Russia, Japan, China. All of this is detail - assume the organisation and technical ability are the best that we can achieve. Given all this, the question is - Would YOU give $25 per year for the next 10 years towards this project if it existed? Individual answers from each interested person in a household would be nice if you can be bothered. At a minimum yes or no is all that is required.