Hi, This is very interesting topic for me. Can you please send me code and information too. Thanx in advance. -- With the best regards, Ints Mikelsons (e-mail: mints@edi.lv) (www: http://welcome.to/biocenter.lv) Stefan M. Ranguelov wrote: > Hi ! > > I just have written my first version of the > RC5 encryption algorithm for the PIC. > > RC5 is the block chipher used in net*scap_e > browsers. It uses a combination of add's, > xor's and data dependent rotations. More usefull > links to RC5 can be found on the > http://www.uni-siegen.de/security/krypto/rc5.html > page. It's in german, but the links are pointing to > english pages. > > My code : > - is simulated with some values and seems to work. It > delivers the same results as the C programm on my pc. > > - execution time / steps does not depend on encrypted data > or key. > > Work to be done : > > - since i am going to use rc5 as a crypt. strong hash > function i have implemented only the encryption at > this time. Decryption shoul'd be easy to implement > from this code. > > - the code is not optimized for speed/space. It uses > about 290 words of code including the key table and > takes about 10000 steps to encode 64 bit of data in > 12 rounds > > - code is written in paralax style assembler and may > look ugly to some of you > > If sombody is interested in the code i can send it via > priv. e-mail. > > St.