>Poster: "Clewer,Brian" > >Hi all, > >I had a cheap solution to erasing the windowed chips. It might be >slightly unbelievable and probably quite dangerous but it consisted of a >replacement tube for a proper UV eraser, a cheap fluorescent lamp a shoe >box and some tin foil! > >Regards, >Brian. This is exactly what I did to improvise an eraser, buy one of the UV bank note checkers, get a replacement 4" 'black UV' tube, attach a mains-DC PSU to the battery contacts, put it with the PIC in a shoebox, switch on and away you go! ( You just have to be smart enough to switch off before opening!) (Though I doubt momentary exposure to the light does any harm!) I've since got hold of an emergency exit sign, which has a nice switchmode PSU in it, and tube fittings. Just need to make a cover and fit a safety switch. (The SMPS is an uninterruptable type with a battery pack that is trickle charged, so I could carry on erasing during a power cut!) Very useful!!! (NOT) Failing this I use the one at work!!!! Paul BRITTON