Hi Kurt, rereading your text I have read "I designed custom PCB's and fabricated them using the laser toner". What kind of tecnolgy is that? Could you please explain Thanks Regard Leonardo >transfer method. -----Messaggio originale----- Da: Kurt Mottweiler A: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Data: giovedl 9 aprile 1998 5.37 Oggetto: Re: Help for a Neophyte >Hello Picsters, > I am a (very) part time microcontroller user. Although I have been >hobbling along with MCU's for a number of years now, I have very little >background for supporting the habit. In general, I have used MCU's for >controlling cameras I build. (See the web site listed below if you wish to >see the application.) > So here's the deal. I generally have little problem getting things to do >what I want once I get going (and spend hours plowing through the data books >and app notes) but occasionally I am struck with a severe case of imposter >syndrome. Such is the case now with a convention looming and a balking >controller. I have successfully assembled and tested my system on a >breadboard. It is based on a PIC 16C74 running FED PICBASIC. ( I used to use >NMI's FORTH kernel 68HC11 and would love to find a similar system for >PIC's ) I designed custom PCB's and fabricated them using the laser toner >transfer method. So with that round about introduction my question is - >what routines do some of you proficient MCU'ers use to determine why a PIC >sometimes won't run. I presume my problem is with the crystal circuit since >moving the system over to the PCB's. I have spent some time checking to make >sure that my breadboarded circuit got successfully translated to the PCB's >and that seems alright. I don't own ( and don't have any experience with ) >an oscilloscope. I do have a DMM and a logic probe and logic pulser. I am >currently looking through the PIC docs but could really use a seat of the >pants approach to fixing the problem. > I have other questions but this is challenge enough for now. > >Thanks, > >Kurt Mottweiler >P.O. Box 817 >Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557 >(505) 751-3255 >pinhole@laplaza.org >http://laplaza.org/~pinhole