I have encountered this sort of problem especially when using timer postscalers, the simulator MPLAB does not always recognise the compare values use in the PR2 register. I have also got a program running well in simulator but when loaded into pic it all goes wrong, my program seems to loop around and around the first loops.!!! on 14 Apr 98, pic microcontroller discussion list wrote... >Hello, I wonder if any of you know why a program that works in simulator >(MPLAB) but it won't work on the PIC16F84? >Any ideas... > >Another question: Does anyone know a way to decrease the value in Data >EEprom, in a short routine? > >//Robert >e-mail: Robert@programmer.net >My Home Page: >http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/2356/ >********************************************** > \\|// ooo \\|// > (o o) o| | (o o) > ---oOO---(_)------------oOO---(_)---OOo-- >********************************************** > > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com > >