For a broad overview of various microprocessors (including PICs) I might suggest Embedded Systems Programming magazine's Buyers Guide Issue, the last one is 1997 and I think they published that about 6mos ago. If they have reprints I don't know. Their website is Hope it helps.. L8R/Ross Aurangzeb Haque wrote: > Hi. > > Has anyone prepared a comparison chart for the various microconttrollers > available on the market (PICs,Z8,TMS,80xx etc). I'm particularly interested > in a comparison on future expandibility, as well as price. > > Would appreciate very much if someone could help. > > Please cc a copy of your response to my email address. > > TIA and Good wishes > > Aurangzeb Haque > Dear > > Regards and Good Wishes. > > Aurangzeb Haque > Karachi, Pakistan.