MPLAB version 3.40 has been posted on the Microchip web page This has a new Project Manager that works with MPLINK, MPLAB-C17, MPLAB-C, MPC, and PIC C tools. The Project Manager can deal with multiple files and multiple tools. Other 3rd party tools can be added. The Project Manager includes a MAKE facility that checks to see which files need to be re-compiled/assembled before linking. On the web page is a file called TUTOR.PDF that walks you through the new Project Manager with various tools. It is advised that you not upgrade to v3.40 if you are in the middle of a "crunch" project. Lots of things have changed and there will be a little learning curve. On the other hand, once you understand the new system, we think you'll find it a big improvement. Also changed are the Watch Windows. You can (again) select multiple items from the list and add groups of them at once. You can also choose to view the data in various formats. All system files can be kept in the local MPLAB Installation directory, so people who had networked installations should be able to use MPLAB easier, now. Projects retain much more information than before, new keys are added for Euro keyboards, the Stopwatch can be cleared automatically on reset, default window sizes are improved, redundant scroll bars are removed, stack overflow can be disabled, and break/trace/trigger dialogs be minimized. We know, we know, we didn't get everything! We've got a long list of requests and will get more of them in future versions. Thanks for using MPLAB!