On Wed, 8 Apr 1998 22:20:40 -0400 MARVIN ANDROID writes: >Hello, > >Just wondering if anyone knows of a PIC microcontroller which is >exactly like > the PIC16C84 but also has an A/D converter built in. It would be the >perfect > device for our application as we would otherwise need to build an >external A/D. The 16C71 or 16C711 comes closest. They have the same CPU core as a 16C84, will fit in a 16C84 socket, and contain an 8-bit A/D which can read from up to 4 pins. The 16C711 has 68 bytes of RAM, like the 16F84. The 16C71 has only 36, like the 16C84. The major difference is the 16C7X program memory is EPROM, not EEPROM like the 16C84. The very simple programmers for the 16X84 won't work with it. Being EPROM, the 16C7X chips need to be exposed to UV light to erase them. Also, neither has the internal data EEPROM. Only the 16X8X's do. If you need EEPROM capability, then you'll have to use an external EEPROM with a 16C71, or an external ADC with a 16C84. There isn't a PIC that does both. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]