Hello, It seems that my first message somehow did not found the way to the list. So I am trying to send the message once more. I would like to ask you, if somebody have the assembler source code for encryption algorithms like Blowfish or IDEA on PIC microcontroller. Also, I would like to ask you, if anybody have the asm source for hash functions like SHA or MD5. Thank you for any answer PavelK ************************************************************************** * Pavel Korensky * * DATOR3 LAN Services spol. s r.o. * * Modranska 1895/17, 143 00, Prague 4, Czech Republic * * * * PGP Key fingerprint: F3 E1 AE BC 34 18 CB A6 CC D0 DA 9E 79 03 41 D4 * * * * SUMMA SCIENTIA - NIHIL SCIRE * **************************************************************************