Chris Eddy writes: >that the FCC does not launch on you unless someone complains. Surely >some fat old gezer in a dirty Tshirt that cannot get good TV reception is >not a problem anymore, with the advent of cable TV, but you would think >that any competitor would turn in a companies' non-tested product right >away. Go figure. Some policeman or fireman trying to drag a victim out of an overturned school bus might not be too happy if he or she couldn't communicate with fellow rescuers or the base station, either. There was once a case in the Eastern United States of a police department in which officers reported hearing Christmas tunes and other odd sounds coming from the radios in their police cars. They thought they had a malicious prankster on their hands, but it turned out to be RF trash coming from strings of Christmas lights controlled by a little CPU that plaid music while flashing the lights. When the temperature got just right, one of the harmonics of the clock would drift across the frequency used by police radios in that town. Nothing diabolical, just bad design. Martin McCormick