Hello everyone! I recieved my first 16F84 chip few days ago, and I made a simple testboard with RC oscillator and 8 LEDs connected to each pin of PORTB. Then I wrote a little program with PASM to flash leds. delay mov ax,#200 jump1 mov bx,#200 jump2 dec bx mov W,bx jnz jump2 dec ax mov W,ax jnz jump1 ret loop1 mov portb, cx add cx,cx call delay mov portb, #0 call delay jmp loop1 ret This should flash each led in PORTB, but it doesn't. When 'cx' reaches value 32 (led in pin 11 flashes), the program sets 'cx' again to value 1. So the program flashes only leds in pins 6-11. I'm not a big genious in ASM coding and I've no idea what I've done wrong. That quite terrible increment delay seems to be working fine. Help me please! -MParvikko