On Wed, Apr 08, 1998 at 12:21:44AM -0700, Richard Nowak wrote: > Add another very short sensor rod attached to the end of an insulated rod to ... > The third probe is used to calibrate out the variation of the rainwater > conductivity. Now that is a great idea! Here's another; use a length of coax cable, with the outer jacket removed, so the braid forms the long rod, and the inner conductor, exposed only at the bottom, forms the reference electrode. Just have to make sure the inner conductor is sealed well where it enters the insulation. A weight attached to the end will hold it vertical. I think we're getting somewhere here. The suggestion someone else had about a laser pointer for a beam is worth considering, except I can't see how to make it invisible - the receiver could be in a tube, but in the presence of fog the beam would be very visible. That may not be a big problem, though. -- Clyde Smith-Stubbs | HI-TECH Software Email: clyde@htsoft.com | Phone Fax WWW: http://www.htsoft.com/ | USA: (408) 490 2885 (408) 490 2885 PGP: finger clyde@htsoft.com | AUS: +61 7 3354 2411 +61 7 3354 2422 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HI-TECH C: compiling the real world.