On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Buell Smelt wrote: > I'm thinking about building a calculator with a PIC for educational > purposes. I was hoping that people could give me their thoughts on a few > points ( some of which are a bit off-topic [ you've been warned ] )... > > 1) I guess I'm looking for a collection of math routines. I've run > across a few on the web, but what eludes me is the theory of dealing with > numbers bigger than 0xFF. There are LOTS of books on the subject. I personally recomend Donald Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming" (I forget which volume) which has a VERY good chapter on implementing multiple precision arithmatic.) Although nobody expects too much speed out of calculators... so you could even do it all as BCD... > 2) LCD vs LED screen. I'd like to go with a LCD, but I don't know if you > can get small pic friendly LCDs. They all seem big. > > Well I guess there really weren't any points, I was just hoping to hear a > few peoples thoughts on what aproach they'd take. Is it reasonable to try > and make it a solar calculator? How much code space would you guess I'd > use. What kind of keypad? Any dialogue on this subject (hardware and > software) would be welcomed (and beneficial to me). I don't have much to say on hardware... but I'm willing to (privately) discuss software implementation issues. Some things to think about: What functions? How much memory? Fixed size numbers? How big? Mantissa,Exponent numbers? What accuracy? Is it a flat expression evaluator, or does it do Polish Notation, or does it handle ()'s? Does it have just an input and working number, or does it have a stack, or does it have numbered registers, or does it have named registers? What do you do with errors? > > Thanks, > Nathan Hendler >