I'm thinking about building a calculator with a PIC for educational purposes. I was hoping that people could give me their thoughts on a few points ( some of which are a bit off-topic [ you've been warned ] )... 1) I guess I'm looking for a collection of math routines. I've run across a few on the web, but what eludes me is the theory of dealing with numbers bigger than 0xFF. 2) LCD vs LED screen. I'd like to go with a LCD, but I don't know if you can get small pic friendly LCDs. They all seem big. Well I guess there really weren't any points, I was just hoping to hear a few peoples thoughts on what aproach they'd take. Is it reasonable to try and make it a solar calculator? How much code space would you guess I'd use. What kind of keypad? Any dialogue on this subject (hardware and software) would be welcomed (and beneficial to me). Thanks, Nathan Hendler