>I'm looking at the potential of using a pic output, possibly PWM, to drive a >charge pump/switched capacitor circuit for generation of negative voltages. >I need approx 10mA at -15v. I'm trying to avoid that extra chip or 2. A >home brew 7660? > >I'm sure someone has been there before. Has anyone had any luck in this >area, have circuit concepts, good references, or theory. > >TIA >Mitch Robbins > I did it, but to generate -5V for op-amp supply with just 2 caps and 2 diodes. Octavio ====================================================== Octavio Nogueira - e-mail: nogueira@mandic.com.br http://www.geocities.com/~oct_nogueira "ProPic" Production PIC Programmer Windows under US$20 ======================================================