William Chops Westfield wrote: > > Signetics/Phillips had an AP-note some time ago using an 80451 as a > printer buffer. the interesting bit was that they used a SIMM as the > buffer, and drove the address lines directly from the micro, doing > RAS, CAS, refresh, and etc all in software... > BillW I did a printer buffer some time ago with a Z80 that addressed from 8K to 4Mb in Dram dips, simms, or combinations thereof. It is all done with software and has only a 74LS00 and a 74LS04 to hardware interface to the Drams. I figured I could use the Z80 to address 64Mb before I needed any additional address decoding logic. My full source code and schematics in PDF format can be found at: Don's Download Dungeon http://www.dontronics.com/download.html I hope someone can learn something from this now dated project. This was in the days when I could really remember that I wrote software, and knew when it was bed time as the sun came up to tell me. I gave that all up. I rise with the sun now. :-) (Countries that don't have sun, please delete the last sentence.) Don McKenzie mailto:don@dontronics.com http://www.dontronics.com For more details, send a blank message to mailto:info@dontronics.com or mailto:simstick@dontronics.com or mailto:basics@dontronics.com