After my last post to the group, I have not had anyone send me a message about "garbage" (MIME/MSTNF ?) attachments to my messages. Some of you requested that I share my settings with the group. Here's what I did: 1. First create a personal address book entry for PIC List. 2. Under the "SMTP - General" tab - make sure that the box "Always send to this recipient in Microsoft Rich Text format" is NOT checked. 3. Now go to the "Send Options" from the "SMTP - General" page. 4. CHECK the box for "I want to specify the format for messages to this recipient" 5. CHECK the option at the bottom of the box that says "Plain Text/UUencode". I left the "Attachment format for Macintosh files" as BINHEX, because that's the only option that shows up for me. Now when CREATE a message for PIC List, USE YOUR ADDRESS BOOK ENTRY (alias name, that you assigned, I use "PICList"). the message will (supposedly) be sent in plain text. When you REPLY to a message from PICList, you need to AGAIN SPECIFY YOUR ADDRESS BOOK ENTRY NAME. If you "Reply to Sender", the address will be "PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU". While this is the same address as the entry you made in your address book, Outlook will use the default send options (MIME, etc.) and not the plain text option you chose for your address book entry. I don't know, if you can simply set up Outlook to send in plain text all the time. In my case, I don't have the system privileges to change them anyway, which I assume is the case for many of you. These concepts apply to MS Exchange and Mail as well. When I had MS Mail and later Exchange here, I also (think) I had my options for "PICList" set the same way. So, those you on Outlook, try the above and see if it works for you. Remember, I'm just assuming that my settings work because I received not a single message from anyone telling me otherwise. Hope this helps, -Frank Frank Richterkessing GE Appliances