Not a PIC matter but for those of you who use Windoze 95, if you don't know about "ERU" this should make your PICing (wouldn't you pronounce that pice-ing? :-)) much more pleasant when things go aft aglae, as they are won't to do. I mention this here as my metaphorical life (and literal sanity) has been saved many times by ERU. I find many don't know about it and if you use WIN95 and don't know ERU you should! ERU is a registry backup program found on the Win95 CD. It doesn't load when you install WIN95 and is unknown to many W95 users. It is found in (\OTHER\MISC\ERU) - it allows you to copy all essential WIN95 files to a backup subdirectory - copy the ERU folder to C:\ or similar. You can save backups direct to floppy but usually saves to HDD are adequate. Using ERU EVERY time before a change to software ot a hardware install allows you to (usually) back out again when things go wrong. At the price (free) its an absolute bargain. For the Windozely challenged I have all ERU files and a slightly extended help file in a ZIP which I can email you (50KB) but please only ask if you can't do it yourself. Mail me, not the list. Russell