Shawn, other's have mentioned FIFOs but they are very expensive and very limited in size if you want to store 1-2MB. Industry-standard 512K x 8 SRAM costs around $20 (~70ns) in single quantity. The nice thing about FIFOs is that they are very easy to interface to with little or no `glue' logic. I looked at FIFOs from several vendors when I was researching my logic analyzer. IDT seems to be a clear winner as far as price and capacity. You mentioned "money was no object". In that case they have devices up to 128K. Again, they are `extremely' expensive... If you go with 512K x 8 SRAMs, you will need to generate a 20-21 Bit address and provide 2-4 chip-selects. You can easily do this in a simple CPLD or 74x family `glue' logic. - Tom At 04:58 PM 4/1/98 EST5EDT, you wrote: >Hi all, > >I have a project in which I am looking to save about 1 or 2 MB of >data from an A/D in a RAM buffer. > >Can anyone recommend an easy to use RAM buffer? Money is no object >but it must: > >1. Be at least 1 or 2 MB. > >2. Use an 8 or 16 bit parrallel bus (I may be flexable on that.) > >3. Be exceptionally easy to set up and interface to... No manual >refreshing! > >Other than that, anything will do! > >Thanks, > >