re: I need information that helps me evaluate the feasibility of inventing a very simple and very small, but strong electronic device(to start with), that has the capability of sensing and recording in memory, and retrieving: impacts. Please specify maximum impact force possible. Please forgive me for not being knowledgeable in scientific engineering language. Please also include trustworthy consultation services that can help develop a prototype. thank you very much. Subhi Eldeiry MD Subhi; For many years we used Onset's tattletale and HOBO dataloggers. You might be interested in trying one for some preliminary results. It comes with downloading and charting software. If you need further insight email. (Their older products were based on the Motorola 6303 and 68332, I am not sure what they are using now) Rob Here is an URL to get to their website: ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at