The B. Knudsen Data CC5x "C" compiler allows you to write code as dense/efficient as assembly AND automatically removes any uncalled code segment (i.e. subroutine). It will also automatically remap RAM variables to the same RAM location based on their usage. For example, sub1 uses a byte variable called Byte1, and sub2 uses a byte var called Byte2. The compiler analyzes the subroutine call structure, and if sub1 never calls sub2 (even indirectly) and sub2 never calls sub1, then Byte1 and Byte2 will use the same physical RAM location. Disclaimer: I have not looked at the other compiler offerings in a while and do not know if they offer similar capabilities. I have to assume any "decent" PIC compiler would do these things. Bob. On Monday, March 30, 1998 1:18 PM, Dave Reinagel [SMTP:daver@AUSPEX.COM] wrote: > Greetings, > Well, I have managed to completely fill a PIC14000 and > am now looking through the listings trying to find dead code > segments -- like floating point subroutines that are never > called and can be commented out of the code to reclaim more > space. > I can't believe I'm the only one who has hit this > limit, and am wondering if someone has a utility that can > scan either a PIC listing or the source code and identify > any code segment that is never executed? If not, perhaps > I should try to write one. > > Dave Reiangel > Auspex Systems, Inc > > >