-----Original Message----- Date: Segunda-feira, 30 de Mar¨o de 1998 16:11 >X400-Received: by mta MarlboroMTA in /PRMD=ACAB/ADMD=Telemail/C=US; relayed; 30 > Mar 1998 13:50:23 -0500 >X400-Received: by mta PhoenixMTATA in /PRMD=ACAB/ADMD=Telemail/C=US; relayed; > 30 Mar 1998 11:45:43 -0800 >X400-MTS-Identifier: [/PRMD=ACAB/ADMD=Telemail/C=US;ISOCOR-35033e29-PhoenixMTA] >Importance: normal >Autoforwarded: false >Message-ID: <"ISOPRO-1.61.063::DH-NO::2CFF::351FF8EA*/G=Steve/S=Kosmerchock/OU=Phoenix/O =Ce > lwave/PRMD=ACAB/ADMD=Telemail/C=US/"@MHS> >Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 11:45:43 -0800 >Reply-To: pic microcontroller discussion list >Sender: pic microcontroller discussion list >From: Steven Kosmerchock >Subject: Need help with a 30 min. timer. >To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > > Hello everybody, >I'm new to the world of PIC's.I was wondering if anybody have any suggestions to > help me out. Here's my problem: I need a timer that once activated will run 30 > minutes, after the 30 minutes is up a relay will be triggered. Any code, > schematics, or advice would be greatly appreciated. I have the ability to use > and program these PIC's: 12C509, 12C672, 16F84, 16C63, 14000. Any and all > comments welcomed. Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > > Steven Kosmerchock > >EMAIL: steve.kosmerchock@CELWAVE.com > Do you REALLY need a microcontroller for this????? Why not using a 555 astable and a BIG divider... The error would be much less then 5 % when correctly adjusted! Or even better use the 555 as a monostable with large timing! It doesn't even have to be programmed!