Good Day, This is version three of the TROUBLESHOOTING WITH ITU PIC PROGRAMMER series. The following text maybe a bit detailed, however I am not experience with PIC, (since I'm a student from Toronto). Thus, please bare with me as I share my problems to All, and if anyone as any suggestions, please help me out! Appreciate it! Begin: After reading about some of the suggestions given by many PIC programmers, I have went back to my work bench and tried the suggested solutions, but as you can see I still encounter the same problem: ERROR IN PROGRAMMING! Going back to the basics:> Objective: Program 16F84 If any one has purchased this ITUPIC programmer, (KIT VERSION), could anyone tell me whats required to get it operating properly. Up to this point I have tried: 1) Changing the programming wire (presently using a 5 inch male/female D-type wire. 2) Checking the output voltage at specific points a) Input voltage is 18-19V DAC b) TTL (7406) = 5V c) Vin into LM317 18V+ Vout from LM317 regulator gives 13V (exactly as specified) 3) Also tried externally power the Vin for LM317, supplying 18V+ from two 9V dry cells. Vout reads 13V (good!) 4) Since the ITU program is DOS based, I have load the programm in MS-DOS settings. 5) Checked soldering job. Questions: 1) In terms of the ITU solftware, The READ from PIC16 and ERASE PIC16 functions properly. However, when I PROGRAM , the ERROR IN PROGRAMMING shows up. Q) In MPLAB and MPASM; before I assemble my file, I have (i) selected the N914?? Intel settings (instead of default mode) as specified in the ITU manual. (ii) selected 16F84 microcontroller. Observations: The programming LEDs does blink for sec, but immediately afterwards, the error shows up. However, I believe the HEX file is read properly. The problem is the interface between PIC and software. Additional Note: After talking to a friend of mine (whom is also part of this PICLIST), we discovered that there are some possible problems in the ITU design. To be exact, R11 (if you have ITU PIC specs) is a 100ohm resistor placed in parallel with a Data line (D0), however it doesn't make sense for it to be this small in magnitude. If 5V is being sent in, the resistor would act as load, therefore taking in most of the input current, leaving a sufficiently low current into the main curcuit. Therefore, my question is should I try: 1) desolder this R11? 2) Increase the resistance (approx 10kohmn)? According to your experience, what effect does these changes do the circuits. Thanks! Your suggestions are greatly valued!