Good Afternoon: As you can recall from part I of this message regarding the problems I encountered during the programming of a PIC16F84, this part II takes the suggestions received from partI (Thanks to the ones who replied!) and focuses more into what the real problem could really be. 1) I have changed my long convensional flat wire into a 5 inch homemade flat wire with a male and female adaptor. 2) I have also tried running the ITU software under DOS settings. 3) I haved doubled check on my soldering job 4) I am supplying 9-12V 5) I have tried this on another PC with the ITU software. The problem: i) Select the option to program 16F8X, (pressing 2) ii) Then it ask me to insert PIC (followed by ENTER) iii) The programming led on programmer blinks. iv) Then immediately, the message of ERROR IN PROGRAMMING! shows up. If anyone from PICLIST has bought this ITU programmer, or has any idea about what's not making this work, please reply. Thanks!