On 22 March Zack Cilliers asked - "I want to get the r.m.s value of a sinewave with the pic16c71 a/d. Can someone tell me how i can do this please? Pseudo code will be fine." I think I was the only one who replied. Sean Breheny sent me private email suggesting my reply was only partially correct. I have thought about this and discussed it with an associate who is heavily involved in industrial signal processing. It turns out my answer was OK as far as it goes but not complete. Sean pointed out part of the problem but the whole problem is much larger than was apparent. For a pure sine wave the crest value may be multiplied by 0.7071 - no problem. For a mix of sinewaves (generally unknown) the square root of the average of the squared values is taken OVER A PERIOD OF TIME. It turns out there is NO "long enough" time if a nearly exact answer is required. As Sean pointed out, if the period chosen is not an exact multiple of all frequencies present then the presence of partial cycles will cause inaccuracies. However, in the "real" world the frequencies present will be unknown and it is virtually certain that some (actually most) frequencies will have an inexact multiple of a wavelength taken. This problem occurs in a practical context when mean power drawn from the mains is to be calculated. I am told that "real" people like Yokogawa sample "as fast a possible for as long as possible". Typically is at 100 kilo samples per second and they keep a very large accumulator and sum the squares on an ongoing basis and also of course count the number of samples. Calculations of average square value can then be carried out with increasing accuracy with time. This is meant to be good to the 13th harmonic (I think it was) for 50 Hz and also gives "useful" results on 400 Hz. Also, on reflection, sampling should be substantially above the Nyquist rate in this application - ie much greater than 2 x the highest frequency present. Not as simple as it sounded at first. With a PIC reasonable results should be obtainable by sampling as fast as possible (limited by A2D speed). . _________________________ | | | - Quantum Mechanics | The Dreams that Stuff are made of. | | - All models are wrong - | some models are useful. | _________________________ |