Marco DI LEO quotes the "Free On-Line Dictionary Of Computing" at > security of RSA is predicated on the assumption that factoring is > difficult; an easy method for factoring large prime numbers would > break RSA. Actually, factoring primes is very easy. It's factoring composites that can be tricky. Richard Nowak writes: > I would like to get more data on this one. Every so often someone claims to > have cracked RSA but in every case I've heard of the claim was false. > > The problem is to show mathematically how to factor a *very* large pseudo > prime number into its two prime factors. This is the part I want to see. > > A billion computers working in parallel to do it once is not a crack. If in > fact it was accomplished it was either because the primes were > insufficiently large or the guy was very lucky. I think there may be differing definitions of "cracked" at work here. Richard seems to mean that a cracked code is one for which an easy reversal algorithm exists. Obviously an encryption scheme becomes completely useless when "cracked"; I'm not aware of any of the popular encryption schemes being "cracked" by this definition. However, some people have worked on decoding single messages with brute-force attacks. RSA offers rewards for this, in fact, in order to show that lesser encryption systems are inadequate. One such effort was at: Where a DES-encoded message was decrypted by brute-force discovery of the key. They were a little lucky -- they found the key after searching "only" 18 quadrillion of the 72 quadrillion keys. This took place last summer. Lehigh University computers contributed to the effort, but they were #105 on the "keys checked" list. Brian