Hi! Yes and no... To drive the LCD you need to use a pin for enable. You can't use that pin for scanning the keypad. So... Here's what I've done: LCD --> PIC --> Keypad DB7 RB3 Row4 DB6 RB2 Row3 DB5 RB1 Row2 DB4 RB0 Row1 R/W RB4 Col1 RS RB5 Col2 RB6 Col3 RB7 Col4 E RAx As you can see I used one port and one additional pin for E... The software initializes PortB all high and all outputs. When driving the LCD display make sure to keep RB6 and RB7 high! For scanning the keyboard I make RB0 to RB3 inputs and pull RB4 to RB7 low one after the other to scan the keyboard. Oh ja, you need pull-ups on RB0 to RB3 (either external or enable internal if 16F84) and you need diodes in the lines connecting the keys to RB0 to RB3 to prevent interference between the LCD and keys... Hope this helps... Regards, Adi > Hello All ! > > Is it possible to connect an LCD (in 4bit mode) and an Keypad (4x4) at the > same Port of an PIC. If yes, how has the Hardware to be ?? > > Thanks a lot for answers :-) > > schaedle@swol.de > \ olle / schaedle@usa.net > \/\/olfgang DB6TE @ DB0CZ >