Hey, I sold the programmer; thanks for the numerous offers. "Is he toilet-trained, union..." sounds like the frequent comments about drummers made on the bass players list group "The Bottom Line" but hey, not by me :) Please allow a brief [OT] excursion RE: 418MHz vs. 433MHz: I'm playing with the Lynx Tech. 418MHz eval. kit and a 433MHz pair from Abacom Tech. and have had serious difficulty achieving anywhere near the ranges claimed by either. The Lynx pair will barely reach 30-40 ft. out- doors in direct line-of-sight. (Spec. sheet says "...a highly reliable RF link capable of transferring serial data at distances in excess of 300 ft. is formed.") I'm awaiting a return call from Lynx's tech. support; I MUST be doing SOMETHING wrong. If Bob Blick or anyone else would care to continue this discussion via private E-mail I am interested. (I know if it ain't PIC-PIC-PIC it'll piss somebody off; and don't want to see -SNIP-BITCH-SNIP- about it for the next week.) Yeh, I'm having a REALLY bad day, John