At 16:57 25/03/98 +0000, you wrote: >Don't know how true it is, but I thought various agencies like the CIA >automatically monitored net traffic, scanning it for keywords like "drugs" >"cannabis" etc, so that the mail could be flagged for investigators. > >Keith, you've just blown Rob Walkers operation out of the water - he'll >shortly be paid a visit. This why I have a special sig file for that purpose: Adrian --- Warning: Excessively long signature follows --- I am Pentium of BORG Klaatu Barada Nicto Division is Futile! WinDoze 93,94,95,96 (now vapourware 2000) You will be Approximated! (Formerly Chicago) --- Special key words to deliberately screw up M**** monitoring agents sniffing packets without lawful permission follows. Add this to your signature and help fight these faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats: Newbridge, Cisco, Olicom, Centillion, Bay Networks, IBM, Adaptec, Fore, 3COM: Send CV, Attend interview, Receive offer, Accept job. --- Special key words to deliberately screw up spook monitoring agencies sniffing packets without lawful permission follows. Add this to your signature and help fight these faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats: terrorist, DES, drugs, cryptography, cipher, secret, decode, money launder, bomb, DSS, FBI, MI5, MOD, MI6, IRA, NSA, CIA, NRO, SDI, H Block, communist, labour party, semtex, proletariat, cease fire, revolution, spy, spook, cash, freedom fighter, fascist pigs, Clipper, V-Chip, Flight 800, TWA, Pan Am, Lockerbie. Elliptic curve method, number field sieve, multiple polynomial quadratic sieve. Bob lusts after Alice. ed = 1 mod (p-1)(q-1). M55. --- \ / / Adrian Gothard \\\' , / // White Horse Design \\\//, _/ //, \_ //' / //, \ /// //` _/ >> \\\` Email: /,)-~>> _\` Voice: +44 (/ \\ \\\\\ Reception: +44 // // \\\ Fax: +44 (( (( --- Windows 95 - It sucks less --- I'm an amateur crastinator. Someday I'll turn pro. --- Was Jimi Hendrix's modem a Purple Hayes? ---- Yip yip yap yip yap yip yip y...BANG! NO TERRIER --- Bill Clinton doesn't inhale..... he sucks! --- A dry sense of humor is better than slobbering everywhere --- Police Station toilet stolen; Cops have nothing to go on --- Programmer - an organism that turns coffee into software --- Incorrigible punster - do not incorrige. --- Being normal isn't one of my strengths. --- "FORMAT C: /autotest" - Justice for software pirates. Regards Adrian WWW WWW Adrian Gothard WWW WW WWW White Horse Design WWWWWWWWWW +44-385-970009 (Mobile/SMS), +44-118-962-8913/4 (voice/fax) WWWW WWWW, --- Developers of GPS satellite-based tracking systems