Yesterday night, at 0:15, it started to work. I put a 16C84 in my brand new DIY programmer and transferred a tiny testing program to the PIC. Guess what it did? It worked! The program was quite simple: it merely produced a square wave with increasing frequency on pin 2 of port B. But the "uuuiiizz uuuiizz" sound it produced was like the sweetest music to me. I'd like to say BIG thanks to S. G. Willis for his PP875 programming software and David Tait for his hardware. They both work perfectly. Go on like this, guys! Perhaps it's possible to add a tat more documentation to PP875.exe. I really did not know whether to set the -c switch or not in order not to get code protection. Boy, I was nervous... But not setting it was the right thing to do. Achim