From: Mark Lezama >Any one know a good RF designe source?, I new in this and I want to know >some circuits that can I use with my PIC designes. There are many books around on RF cicruits and designs - ARRL publish an annual handbook and your library will probably have various "cookbooks". However, if you want to know about the DESIGN part, the best book I have ever seen is "RF Circuit Design" published by SAMS. I have not formed a particularly high opinion of the average SAMS publication over the years but this one is superb. My version is dated 1986 but I imagine SAMS or Amazon could assist. The back cover says it was worth $US22.95 back then (more over here) - it would be a bargain at that price. _______________________________ | | | - Quantum Mechanics | The Dreams that Stuff are made of. | | - All models are wrong - | some models are useful. | ___ __________________________ |