Here's some code I posted a couple of months ago to get PWM working on a 16C74A, it should be easy to get it going on the '73a using this as a guide. Remember to set the pins to be output pins! ;setup stuff movlw b'00001111' ;set for PWM not CCP1 movwf CCP1CON ;to ccp1con for pwm channel 1 movwf CCP2CON ;to ccp2con for pwm channel 2 bsf T2CON,2 ;turn on timer 2 ;now make it work ;put your desired pwm value, 0-255, into w now! movwf CCPR1L ;to PWM register channel 1 movwf CCPR2L ;to PWM register channel 2 This will get you started. There are other options, but start with this and you can get to where you want to be. Cheers, Bob