I wearily note that Web-browser/e-mailer software writers gladly spend time adding fancy features, instead of sorting out basic details. If they really want to impress, I'd like to see useful improvements like: * Detect and bounce binary attachments. * Binary attachments not copied when you press the "reply to" button That would please a lot of people on this thread * Detect and bounce messages from people trying to unsubscribe by mailing to the PIClist instead of the list server. * Multi-priority stream and packet service channels. I read somewhere that most net accesses were for adult sites. If the net had a channel set aside for this, ISP companies could assign a low-priority (most people), block it (for concerned parents), or charge extra for those that do want it in a hurry. After all, courier services have a tarriff for different delivery priorities. * Sorting out text handling of line breaks, word wrapping, etc. I get mail broken into lines by equals signs etc, or paragraphs as single very long lines. I think the first idea is the most feasible to implement. Anyone else have better ideas?