> Van: Rickard Gunee > Aan: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Onderwerp: internal data eeprom in PIC16F84 > Datum: donderdag 19 maart 1998 22:50 > > Hi, I have two questions about the data eeprom in the PIC16F84 > 1. How do I define bytes in the eeprom in the code (so they get added > into the HEX file) I had the same problem some time ago. it _is_ in the docs, but you'd have to read every word twice to find it. The answer to you question is : Place your data at 0x2100. the way you would do it if it where in Code-memory. (EEPROM memory is 8 bit's wide) > 2. Is there any litmits how often the eeprom can be read, I want to read > about 15000 bytes / second from it (read only, I plan to put strings > into it for video generation) No. The limit lies on _Write-cycles_ > / Rickard GunŽe Interesting ... Greetz, Rudy Wieser