Automatic digest processor , you have some ATTiTudE writing this: >Andy, >You are right. Byte started as BYTE after IBM/360 came into life. > >I want to go back to "bit". As far as I had been learnt it comes from >English word bit what means smallest piece/amount of information which >can not by divided or splitted any more. > I understood that it was a contraction of "BInary digiT". >The origin of nibble is quite obscure. No it isnt, it's half a byte! (read "bite" as in "eat".) > I think this is a pure modern >programmer's jargon rarely being met in literature. Probably thats true. > >Regards >Blad Cap -- +-=Ben Isaacs=-+=-=-+=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ | UIN: 2346778 |#724| __|`|SHoX_ _ || +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+=-=-+ (_-< `\ _\ ' /|| | AFTeRSHoX/gNs |(___/_|_(_)_,_\|-| +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ | "Oh Wintermute, what beautiful ICE you have..." | +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+