Tjaart van der Walt wrote: > How does one go about adding another compiler in the 'Language Tool' > section? We will do this for the other popular third party tools befor final release, and we'll document it as well. To add support for MPC, you can copy TLMPLABC.INI to TLMPC.INI, and MPLAB.MTC to MPC.MTC. Edit TLMPC.INI to [Language_Suite] LanguageSuite=Byte Craft DefaultFilename=default.bc Target=HEX Library=LIB Source=C Header=H;INC Output=LST;ERR;MAP;HEX Debug=COD MTC_Files=mpc Note the last line points to the MPC.INI MPLAB will search for TL*.INI files for other tools. Look at MPC.INI. It contains info on all the command line switches. You can probably figure them out to get it working since MPLAB-C is derived from MPC.