At 03:00 PM 3/17/98 -0500, you wrote: >Hi John, > >What type of parameters do you want to load? In the YAP, if you set up the >_CONFIG and _IDLOCS, they will be programmed into the PIC with the rest of >the code. > Myke, Thanks for responding. I hope I am not confusing your YAP with the YAPP, which I viewed at Picpoints web page. I am not familiar with your programmer if they are not the same. My ideal programmer would work off the pc serial port so that I could have about a 15' cable. I could also program a variety of devices, perhaps by sending a text file to the programmer to set up pulse timming, ect.. and I could send data and parameters with my serial port communications software so that I could create my own programming environment and not have to depend on the programmers proprietary software. I have set up a nice little programming environmet using a serial com. program and text editors, the assembler and batch files to bring them all together for programming 68hc11s. I was hoping I could create the same type of environment for pics. Anyway, I am looking. I hope this is what I can do with your programmer. Please let me know. Thanks John