Thats Strange, If I leave email to them (Jeff), he usually answers me the same day, and most of the time , within a few hours. I have had him send me bugs fixes and help me with problems that weren't really theirs. I'm sorry to hear you have problems, Richard Skinner ---------- > From: Mike Ghormley > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Re: ME Labs pic basic compiler > Date: Friday, March 13, 1998 11:43 PM > > Oliver Praudisch wrote: > > > Does ME Labs have good tech support once you purchase there product? > > Not in my experience! I want to say first that I do not own their Basic > compiler > as after my initial experience with them, I realized that I could do no more > business with them even though I would have really liked to have purchased their > MEL Basic. > > I had the misfortune of purchasing their PIC programmer, which came with their > assembler that was "compatible with MPASM." Hah! I had problems right away > with > their *very* poorly written documentation which was so ambivalent as to be > unusable. My attempts at getting answers were answered within a day or two, but > never to my satisfaction. > > To my complaints (with examples and offered corrections) about their > documentation > I was told that they "didn't get too many complaints" -- so tough luck. > > To my complaints about the compatability of their assembler -- I was told to use > MPASM if I didn't like it! Quite an endorsement of their product! > > I have had a totally unacceptable experience with them. For me, they seem to be > in > the "we have your money so we don't have to be responsive to you" mode. > > I have posted my experiences with them before on this list and received private > E-mail from other dissatisfied customers who said that their Basic Compiler > seemed > to work OK, but that the documentation was poor at best. > > To be fair, their products seem to work OK, but their documentation is an > afterthought and they have demonstrated to me (and others) that they have little > regard for customers and their opinions. > > Of course, this is just my experience/opinion. Your mileage may vary. > > Michael > > ***************************************** > The strong do what they have to do and > the weak accept what they have to accept. > --Thucydides