Vladimir M. Klochko wrote: > Furthermore, it's possible to use the same method to divide by 5: > 1/5=0.0011001100110011... Which is of course quite useful in decimal conversion. > Are these methods (quick and not exact) usefull? > May be. I have a doubt. You misunderstand something here. They *are* quick, and they *are* exact. They are the fastest way to perform constant divisions. They are *as* accurate as but much faster than "long division" algorithms. In either case, you must perform *all* intermediate calculation without truncation, that is, you have to retain and perform addition on the *whole* of any right-shifted value. As with long division, adding half the divisor to the dividend before the division is the easiest way to perform rounding, i.e., add 1 if dividing by three, add 2 if dividing by 5 and so on. Cheers, Paul B.