I will limit myself to commenting on the usefulness of the language itself - others may be able to answer you other questions. I use the PBC (PicBasic Compiler). PBC is quite good at doing what it was intended to do - which is implementing the BASIC Stamp 1 instruction set with some extra features and only one significant omission. In this role it lets you produce cheaper projects and the code runs much faster because it is compiled rather than interpreted. The missing feature is the debug command which on the Stamp sends information back to the PC. They explain why they omitted it but it would still have been of some use. The biggest limitations of the programs that you can write if you don't resort to machine code is that they "can't walk and chew gum at the same time" - each instruction ties the processor up for its entirety with no ability to multi-task in any way. The timer and interrupts are not accessible in pure BASIC. This means that if you use a "PAUSE 100" command to pause for 100 milliseconds the processor will sit and twiddle its thumbs for this period. If you have for example a keypress etc in this time you miss it. You can of course write your code to compensate. A more fatal flaw (which may perhaps be overcome in later versions?) is that the eg serial in routine waits forever for a character with no way of breaking out of the loop. If there isn't a character to receive or if your hardware is faulty your program is trapped at this point forever. This is probably mainly due to PBC slavishly copying the original STAMP definition. I have heard here of someone who modified the PBC code to allow a break function. Code modification is easy as the commands are implemented in 2 .inc files in source code. You can edit these (at your risk) to make the code to do anything you wish. The saving grace of all this is that you can call machine language routines whenever you want to do more complex things. It MAY be possible to implement interrupts and timer actions in the background by staying away from commands which use the timer. I haven't tried this yet but intend to. I have written a simple but useful product for the disability market using solely PBC. I may go to assembler in future versions of the product to improve a time critical feature. You can view the compiled code (in assembler source) and compare it to your basic source code. This can be useful for learners. At $US100 the program is probably acceptably priced (cheaper is always better :-)) They also have a newer (and dearer) "Professional" version which has many more features. I don't know if they have taught it to walk and chew gum as well (ie added interrupts and timer based facilities) - they will be able to tell you no doubt. -----Original Message----- From: Oliver Praudisch To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Saturday, 14 March 1998 13:25 Subject: ME Labs pic basic compiler >Hi, > >I am looking at the pic basic compiler from Micro Engineering Labs. This >will be my first time playing with micro controllers. I am hoping that the >basic compiler will allow me to see cause and effect within the assembly >language. As well as get started a bit faster since I have only some >experiance with basic. > > >Are any of you using the basic compiler from ME Labs? > >Does it get in the way of any of the possibilities that the pic is capable >of? > >Do any of you who use Pic Basic Compiler use it with some of the home made >programmers out there? > >Does ME Labs have good tech support once you purchase there product? I >spoke with them today and they seemed friendly and willing to answer many >of my extra questions not directly pertaining to the sale of there >products. > >thanx, >