Oliver Praudisch wrote: > Does ME Labs have good tech support once you purchase there product? Not in my experience! I want to say first that I do not own their Basic compiler as after my initial experience with them, I realized that I could do no more business with them even though I would have really liked to have purchased their MEL Basic. I had the misfortune of purchasing their PIC programmer, which came with their assembler that was "compatible with MPASM." Hah! I had problems right away with their *very* poorly written documentation which was so ambivalent as to be unusable. My attempts at getting answers were answered within a day or two, but never to my satisfaction. To my complaints (with examples and offered corrections) about their documentation I was told that they "didn't get too many complaints" -- so tough luck. To my complaints about the compatability of their assembler -- I was told to use MPASM if I didn't like it! Quite an endorsement of their product! I have had a totally unacceptable experience with them. For me, they seem to be in the "we have your money so we don't have to be responsive to you" mode. I have posted my experiences with them before on this list and received private E-mail from other dissatisfied customers who said that their Basic Compiler seemed to work OK, but that the documentation was poor at best. To be fair, their products seem to work OK, but their documentation is an afterthought and they have demonstrated to me (and others) that they have little regard for customers and their opinions. Of course, this is just my experience/opinion. Your mileage may vary. Michael ***************************************** The strong do what they have to do and the weak accept what they have to accept. --Thucydides