You can "bit-bang: other pins like dtr, rts etc. and with the use of 2 connectors make it look like the rx/tx lines. Alternately wire your circuitry to these alternate pins. Be warned that you need to provide external power to your curcuit since some ports a low power(2-4 ma). Kevin E. Dodd Embedded Systems Consulting 503.684-3731 Reached at 541.753-3633 -----Original Message----- From: Frank Mckenney [SMTP:rrs0059@IBM.NET] Sent: Thursday, March 12, 1998 5:49 AM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: Putting RS232 TX line high > > Does anyone know off-hand the memory address and value for setting the RS232 > TX line high on a PC? I need to trigger a relay connected to this line. > > Thanks. > > C. Webb Craig, As other posters have pointed out, the serial ports on an Intel-PC are built for sending and receiving "formatted" async bitstreams on the TX and RX lines. As far as I know, there's no way of directly bit-banging the TX and RX lines, which is what it sounds like you're trying to do. Why not use the modem control lines (RTS,DTR), as other posters have suggested, and simply re-wire the cable to look at one of _those_ lines? Or, since some cables aren't easy to re-wire, pick up an under-$10 "breakout" box from RadioShack(TechAmerica) and wire it to cross (say) DTR on the Intel PC side to the cable's TX line? Then just plugh teh adapter box into the circuit... There may be reasons why this won't work ("It's an imperfect universe" (;-); even so, if we can learn those reasons, it might help define a better answer to your problem. Hope this helps... Frank McKenney / OS/2 Advisor (OS2BBS) McKenney Associates / Richmond, Virginia / (804) 320-4887 Internet: / TalkLink: WZ01123