Hi A good introduction to PRN's is given in "Horowitz and Hill - The Art of Electronics" page 655 in the second edition ISBN: 0-521-37095-7 I wrote a 24 bit PRN sequence for a 12C508. Unfortunately I couldn't get the noise bandwidth I required at 4MHz clock rate. Does anyone know of a comparable chip that will run at 20MHz. The chip dosn't have to do anything else, so even a dedicated noise chip would suffice but it would be nice to have a software solution for future use. > A while back there was a thread on random number generation, and somebody > (in England, I believe) mentioned that he was involved in the development > of gaming machines, and how their random numbers aren't truly random. > > I would like to start an off-list discussion with you about this. (No, I > don't play the games). > > Thanks. > > Andy ______________________________________________________________________ A conclusion is simply the point where you got tired of thinking. PGP Public key available on request. Phone/Fax +44 (0)161 275 4094 Jason.Bent@man.ac.uk