In a message dated 98-03-12 13:18:02 EST, you write: You certainly can do this on a PIC! At the start of the interupt routine you simply check the INTCON reg to see what generated the interupt and jump accordingly. Then Motorolla parts have different kinds of interupts, thus the different vectors. One vector for an IRQ and another for the NMI another for SWI etc. It still won't tell you what device generated the interupt, You have to resort to polling the devices inside the interupt routine. Dave Duley << I don't think you can do this on a PIC because there is only one interrupt vector. You could do this on a Motorola (for example), but even then, I wouldn't recomend it. Getting interrupted from an interrupt can cause all kinds of problems (stack, endless loops, memory corruption, etc). Recursive interrupt functions are a nightmare. Having said that, in your application, maybe you could start the interrupt the way you suggest, then load your timer, and poll the timer status flag to see if it has expired. Brad Stevenson, CET The DPL Group - Telecom Techniques 506-635-1055 or 1-800-561-8880 >>