Hello all, I started using the Hi-Tech C compiler a couple of weeks ago. In general it seems like a very good product, but I have a couple of questions and I'm hoping someone else with more experience can give me a hand. 1) In some of the examples in the manual, global variables are declared as static. This appears redundant. Is there a reason? 2) In the FAQ example of an ISR function. The function itself is defined as static. What is a static function? 3) In the code I am working on, I have declared a global variable of type 'bit'. This bit is declared in the main C source file. This bit is set in an ISR function (which is defined in another C source file, which is part of my project). The bit is checked in the main() part of the program. By using an emulator I can verify that the ISR is being executed, but the bit is not being set, so the main() program does not respond accordingly. If I change the declaration from bit to char, the code works properly. Any ideas? Brad Stevenson, CET The DPL Group - Telecom Techniques 506-635-1055 or 1-800-561-8880 http://www.dpl.ca