At 03:39 PM 3/11/98 -0500, you wrote: >Thanks for the feedback everyone. I apologize for not making myself clearer. >I don't know the why behind it, but whoever designed the system I'm working >with said I have to set the TX bit high. I asked the same question about >voltages and inverted signal, etc. at the RS-232 end, but the engineer told >me all that has to be done is to hold the PC port bit high (I guess on the >UART before the MAX232 or whatever it is). So unfortunately DTR & RTS bits >won't help, but thanks for the suggestion. > >If there is no direct memory mapped address to the TX bit, perhaps I have to >send a continual stream of bytes=0FFh? Any ideas? > >Craig Sorry, Craig, but sending continuous 0xFF won't do the trick because either the start bit or the stop bit (I can't remember which) is a low value, to distinguish it from the other one, which is a high value. Sean +--------------------------------+ | Sean Breheny | | Amateur Radio Callsign: KA3YXM | | Electrical Engineering Student | +--------------------------------+ Fight injustice, please look at Personal page: Phone(USA): (607) 253-0315